Carina and I had a very good week together. It helped that we had Peter home on Monday so really it was only 4 days alone together. We're figuring each other out and I'm loving it. I can't believe she will be one month old this week!
So far we have had a wonderful weekend. After dinner Friday I ran to the grocery store alone. I always enjoy doing the shopping together with Peter but I didn't want to mess up Carina's schedule and I think Peter wanted some Daddy time with her anyway. So in the end - mission accomplished.
Yesterday we made a family trip to the mall where I got some nursing bras, some summer tops and an iced mocha. Heaven. We got so much attention from people - everybody loves a baby! And who couldn't love our sweet little thing?
I pumped for the first time yesterday. It went better than I thought - not as complicated as I had imagined. I think I can do this when I go back to work! Peter was a great help with cleaning all the parts for me (probably the worst part of the whole deal).
We went to Target to return a duplicate gift and came out with some sippy cups! I don't know why but I just love sippy cups and love the thought of Carina learning to use one down the road. The ones we bough are TOO cute. We ran to Babies R Us to return another duplicate gift and bought a HUGE box of wipes. We ran into a woman from our birthing class too with her little girl - only 9 days old!
Because I had pumped earlier in the day, Peter got his first chance to bottle feed Carina. It was a little complicated for everybody and Carina wasn't exactly thrilled with it but she drank 3 ounces and slept really well so I guess everybody survived. Last night she actually slept for 2 five hour stretches and it was so nice. I love it when she sleeps well.
Speaking of... she's napping right now. Peter is teaching Sunday school by himself and returning all the pans and such friends delivered dinners in. We have been fed so incredibly well these past 3 weeks. We are truly blessed.
Looks to be another great day! Oh - and one more piece of exciting news. Carina has managed to find her own thumb twice now. I think we have a thumb sucker on our hands, haha.
9 months ago
Awww! So beautiful!
By the way, there are these fantastic microwave sterilizer bags that you can buy at Walmart - they are made by Munchkin and are great for cleaning the pump parts - they are like 5 bucks for 10 or something. you just stick them in the microwave. You can use each bag like 25 times so they are not expensive at all! Happy Pumping!
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