Things actually seem to be going pretty well. Carina is still eating and pooping like a champ, yay! It looks like she has gained at least 3 ounces since Monday. Our little girl is growing so fast.
We went in for our follow-up pedi appt on Wednesday and because her numbers were so close to normal on Monday, the Dr. did not feel the need to do another blood test, hallelujah! We hate to see her so upset when they do tests like that. Later Wednesday night we discovered during a diaper change that her umbilical stump had fallen off just in time for her one week birthday! We're not sad to see it go. It was a little creepy.
Thursday my parents came to visit and held Carina the entire time. She's spoiled already. Mom brought chocolate chip cookies and they have held us together ever since, haha.
Yesterday Carina woke up with a yellow discharge in one eye so we called the pedi and they wanted to see us in the afternoon. Our friends delivered dinner around lunch time and then we took our first big outing to Babies R Us. I wanted to buy a few pumping supplies. Carina slept the entire time. Later at the pedi we found out she has an infected clogged tear duct. We have some ointment to put in her eye twice a day and we were told massaging the corner of her eye could help too. I think it looks better already today.
We had our friends Mike and Missy come to do a newborn portrait session this morning. It went extremely well. I woke Carina up from a nap so she was a little fussy but I think we got some really nice shots. Can't wait to see and share them!
So now Peter and I are hanging out while Carina naps. We'll probably grab some lunch soon. Days seem to go very nicely and Carina sticks to a pretty good every 3 hour feeding schedule but the past couple of nights have been a little harder. We wonder if she has some gas issues and gave her gas drops last night. Sometimes she's just too fussy to sleep but it all works out in the end and we all end up with at least a little sleep.
We just love being mommy and daddy!
9 months ago
Ted was laugh at the pics; he thinks Carina's a little cutie, too. He said she looks like a caterpiller when she's all swaddled in the blanket. He also wants to know if she has an innie bellybutton or an outtie bellybutton or if you don't know that yet. He also liked the "we love being mommy and daddy" comment. You guys are obviously naturals and doing a great job. :-)
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