So far, so good! The 3 of us are doing very well. Settling into some sort of routine (or as much of a routine as one can have with a newborn).
Sunday we had some visitors. Peter's parents, my brother, sister-in-law and nieces and two couples from our small group. It was a lot of fun to show off our little Pumpkin but it wore us all out, haha. Still, it was really great to see everybody. When we're pretty much house bound, it's nice to be reminded that there's a world going on outside the front door.
Monday we got a call from the pedi at 7:50 am asking if we could make a 9:10 am appt. Of course we needed to get in for our follow-up appt and we were the ones who forgot to set it up till after office hours on Friday so I said sure. We've never moved so fast! Shower, feed the baby, dress the baby, pack a diaper bag, get the baby in the carseat... it was an adventure! The appt went very smoothly. Carina weighed 6 pounds so the Dr. thinks she's on her way to gaining back her weight. She was an absolute doll for the entire visit - so content. They did have to take blood to check her jaundice levels again and of course she didn't like that but as soon as they were done she settled down. We love this kid!
Found out the acceptable levels for jaundice run on a number scale with 12 being the cap for healthy levels. Carina was 12.2 so she's really not bad at all but the Dr. wants to see her again tomorrow. I fear more blood work will be involved - poor baby. For now we're just feeding her as much as she wants and hoping she poops a lot (which she is!). I have now officially turned into one of those moms who talks about her baby's poops. Oh no!
Last night Chris and Michelle brought us lasagna for dinner. Michelle organized meals for us from friends at church (our small group, fellow Sunday school teachers, our Sunday school girls' parents). We're set with meals for the next 3 weeks! What a blessing.
This morning Peter had a few errands to run so Carina and I hung out together. We napped on the couch - her on my chest. I love it! She had a really good feeding while Peter was out and has been sleeping ever since. Probably means she'll be up and hungry again soon. I'm getting really good at one-handed typing and eating.
So that's the latest. We are all feeling and doing great. Could obviously use a bit more sleep but we may move Carina from the pack-and-play to her crib tonight so I can actually sleep in my own bed instead of on the couch. We'll see what happens!
9 months ago
Adorable! Glad everyone is doing well.
Oh my word...she's AWESOME! We can't wait to meet her!
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