We had some unanticipated excitement this week!
Quick birth story. My water broke Tuesday 6/2 around 10:30 pm (I was 38 weeks 4 days). I had fallen asleep in Peter's lap on the couch while he watched Law & Order: SVU but I woke up and immediately jumped off the couch (couldn't have a ruined couch now could we). We checked into the hospital around midnight. I was given prostaglandin to get things moving around 1 am (I wasn't dilating or contracting on my own yet). Walked the halls a bit. Started on pitocin around 10 am. By 2:30 I was 4 cm and decided to go for the epidural (I highly recommend). Around 4 pm I was 9 cm. My midwife broke the last of my water and I was 10 cm by 4:30. I pushed for about 30 minutes and she was born!
Carina Noelle was born June 3rd at 5:14 pm weighing 6 pounds 7 ounces and measuring 18 inches long. She has dark blonde hair (for now) and grey/brown eyes. She is the most perfect and precious baby!
No complaints or regrets - I was very happy with the whole experience. I had some internal tearing but am recovering really well. Feeding is hard only because she is so tired and disinterested all the time but it's getting better every day. Peter and I tag teamed it last night (one on the couch and one in bed) while she slept in the pack-n-play downstairs and we both managed a good bit of sleep.
Today has been really great. We all managed to shower/bathe and Peter went out for groceries. Our neighbors brought us cookies. Carina has been eating, sleeping and well... going, haha well for us all day. She seems right on track. We were told she has just a touch of jaundice so our nurse recommended sitting her in front of a window to get some sun. I sat with her in the sun for a while and she loved it - like a little heat lamp! We should have a pedi appointment Monday so hopefully her jaundice and weight loss will not be an issue.
Thanks all for your prayers and congrats. We love you!
Peter, Amy & Carina
9 months ago
wow, great post. Cheered my day up. It's great to hear that your new baby girl is healthy and beautiful! Congrats!
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