Yesterday we celebrated Peter's first Father's Day! My parents had spent the night Saturday and Carina's feeding schedule allowed for me to teach Sunday school with Peter so Gram and Grampa babysat. Carina slept the whole time (which was not the case when Peter and I went out for icecream Saturday and came home to a very unhappy baby, haha).
After Sunday school and another feeding we went to my Gram's for the day - but not before a little drama. I had bought an "I love Daddy" onesie months ago for Father's Day and hid it away. Carina had it on for exactly 20 minutes before she spit up all over it, herself and the carseat. The most frustrating part was she never spits up! So sadly Peter didn't have much of a Father's Day present. Oh well. At some point I will get a picture of her in it when she's actually clean.
We made it to Gram's - once again Carina slept the entire way. Apparently she likes the car. We unpacked the trunk and the beautiful cupcakes I had made and brought had overturned and were a complete mess. I was so disappointed. Fortunately I had made a cake as well and it survived the trip just fine. I had made cupcakes for our small group too so at least they were home and safe.
We had a lovely lunch and passed the baby around a good bit. She slept the entire visit except for her diaper change and feeding - silly girl. She managed to spit up big time on Aunt Jeanne too. We have no idea where that all came from yesterday. I guess babies of a certain age, whether bottle fed or breast fed, tend to spit up a bit more. Maybe she got jiggled too much in the car too - like shaking a soda, Peter says, haha.
After such a sleepy day we had a very awake, somewhat fussy evening but Carina slept like a champ last night. She did stay awake for a good bit of our small group meeting last night. We hosted at our house. Our friends brought their 6 month old daughter who was just fascinated with Carina. We got a good video of the two girls together. I can't believe Carina will be that big and eating baby food and crawling one day. It seems so unreal!
9 months ago
Nice blog entry... you need to differenciate between gram(me) and Gram(great Gram). It could be confusing to others. I can't believe Carina is 3 weeks old already!! How fast did that go :)
Do you have What To Expect in the First Year? That book saved my life more than once - and my sanity. Just a recommendation.
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