June 19, 2009

A Day in the Life

...of a stay-at-home-mom.

6:15 am - Wake up, move the baby supplies (boppy, bibs, eye drops, etc) downstairs for the day, shower, eat breakfast

8 am - Carina eats breakfast

9 am - Laundry, paint my toenails

10 am - Strap Carina into the baby wrap and wear her while I blog

10:30 am - Carina eats her 2nd breakfast

11 am - Check mail, put in "Sex and the City" movie

12 pm - Make lunch, cuddle Carina while she is fussy, protect my sandwich from Kenny

12:30 pm - Enjoy Carina sleeping on my chest

1:30 pm - Carina eats lunch, I get sucked into Days of Our Lives (who watches soap operas?!)

2 pm - rest a little

I expect an early dinner for Carina before Peter gets home. Someone from church is delivering dinner for us. Hopefully tonight at least one of us (if not all three) will get out to the grocery store.

So excited for the weekend!