Only 4 days late. We had a long, busy weekend. Peter's parents stayed with us Thursday through Sunday. Saturday we had my parents here too for a picnic! We broke in the new grill and made some burgers. The rest of the menu included pasta salad, corn souffle, deviled eggs, chips, grape pie, cherry pie and peanut butter striped delight. I had a fun time planning the picnic and hopefully Peter learned a thing or two about grilling from our dads. I can't wait for Peter to make kabobs some night.
Carina is now one month old! I really can't believe it. She's exactly 5 weeks old today. She's growing so fast - it's amazing. She loves to look around and take everything in. We still have her on a fairly strict schedule. Feedings every 3 hours during the day and then overnight she sleeps one 5 hour stretch, eats and then sleeps another 4 hour stretch. It's heavenly to get so much sleep and we really are blessed to have a baby that likes to follow a schedule, haha. She must be mine. We have a pedi appt Friday and at that time if we are told that she no longer needs to keep to a schedule and can eat on demand (meaning less often) then we'll do that. Should be interesting!
9 months ago
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