Another busy but fabulous weekend. Friday after Peter came home I went grocery shopping by myself. It's more fun with Peter there with me (and I always appreciate help lugging the bags) but it's nice to get out of the house for a little bit too.
Saturday we all slept in a little. My parents stopped by and my mom stayed overnight while my dad went to my gram's overnight to try to fix some sink leaks for her. Peter and I went to see "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" while my mom babysat. It was really nice to get out for an actual date (popcorn and all!) but we both missed Carina and I couldn't help but worry about her a little. She was sound asleep when we got home and mom said she had been a bit fussy but overall just fine. She took her bottle like a champ and even gave mom time to make my birthday cake.
Yesterday was my birthday (25 w00t!) and my dad's family reunion. We had a really nice time and good food and Carina was a little angel all day. We gave her a bottle at the restaurant and she did great with it. She'll have to get used to that before I go back to work in a month. For my birthday present Carina slept 9 hours but then later in the day pooped all over me so I'll take the good with the not so good, haha.
Speaking of... sounds like somebody is waking up! (the burp cloth on the head in the pic below was mom's idea, haha - trying to keep the wind out of her ears)
9 months ago
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