Carina is 6 weeks old today. I can't believe it! We had her to the pediatrician for her one month check up on Friday. She was so happy and content despite her raging hiccups. She weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce (until she peed all over the scale anyway - then maybe a few ounces less) and measured 19 inches. That puts her in the 25th percentile for weight and below the charts for length, haha. The Dr. said she's a little peanut. Because her weight gain was so spectacular we've decided to let her go as long as she wants between feedings overnight. She slept one 7 hour stretch over the weekend but her diaper didn't last as long as she did unfortunately.
We had friends from Pittsburgh and their nearly 3 year old daughter stay with us over the weekend. We hadn't seen them since last Fall so it was really nice to visit with them. We had a family picnic Saturday and they had a wedding so we didn't see a whole lot of them but it was still neat to have them around. Our family picnic went well. Carina does great in the car (it was about an hour away) and she was good about being passed around to everyone. We got a little break so that was nice too.
Sunday we took Carina to church for the first time. She slept through most of Sunday school and church and didn't even need to be fed till we got home. What a convenient kid! Our Sunday school girls were very excited to meet her.
Yesterday I took Carina to visit Peter at work. His co-workers have been dying to see her. We plan to take her to visit my co-workers next week. Last night I went to a Pampered Chef party and left Peter on daddy duty. Unfortunately Carina was pretty fussy before I even left so it was a frustrating evening for everyone involved. Still - everybody survived and Carina even slept 8 hours last night. She would have slept longer but we were worried about another leaky diaper so we woke her, fed her and now she's sleeping again.
So all in all we're doing alright! She's growing so fast and we're loving every minute of it.
9 months ago
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