A day off from work is always appreciated in the Jones house. Friday after work we took our cars to the local police station and they inspected our car seat bases and car seat. We had installed them pretty well ourselves (the very helpful police officer gave us a B+) but he just made it all a bit more snug. We feel better now.
Saturday we went grocery shopping and then went to the mall. I wanted some $1 Old Navy flip flops. By the time we got there around noon, there were only black and brown flip flops left (which is what I wanted anyway) and we had to wait in line 30 minutes to pay for them. Crazy! Then I came home and napped.
Sunday my parents and nieces came to visit for the day. We had pizza for lunch and Friendly's for dinner. My Dad helped Peter install our screen door and Mom cleaned our shower. I'm spoiled and I love it.
Monday we slept in, finally, and then we dropped off my car at the garage for inspection and stopped at Artsfest on our way home. We did a lot of walking, maybe 2 miles or so. Amazingly I didn't swell too badly but Peter and I did each get a little sunburn. Peter volunteered at the at shelter and I made hot dogs and beans for dinner - our own little picnic.
Yesterday Peter had another day off and I took a half day. I had a Dr. appointment and that went very well. Nothing exciting. Weight and blood pressure good. Baby's heart rate good. No signs of labor that I know of. We're just waiting!
9 months ago
You look beautiful!!! and I can't wait for our new grand-daughter to arrive. Love you mucho:)
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