We're hoping to meet our little Pumpkin in less than a month. It feels both very close and so far away at the same time. I started packing for the hospital this week and feel that we have most everything we need. I even got 3 free diapers in the mail today! We picked up our stroller and car seat last week and Peter put them together. We still need to install the car seat bases in our cars but then we're set to go.
This past Saturday we went to Philly with friends. For her birthday, one of our small group friends wanted to visit a medical museum. It was the weirdest, grossest stuff I've ever seen. The best part was the gift shop (complete with syringe pens and gummy tape worms). We also saw the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. We had beautiful weather and overall a really good day. It may be a while before we fit in another day trip like that.
Monday I had a very good Dr. appointment. I met another of the 4 doctors and I'm only scheduled to meet one more. I bet the one I don't meet is the one on call when I deliver, haha. I'm sure they're all fantastic. Blood pressure, weight and baby's heart rate were all good. I'm going to weekly appointments now. The end is in sight!
As I'm sure you picked up from this post, I'm ready to have this baby. However, I'm still feeling terrific! Peter and I are just so excited to meet our little lady and learn what parenting is all about. So to balance the post a little I thought I'd list a few of my favorite things about being pregnant:
1) Without a doubt, THE best thing about pregnancy is baby movement. I love feeling hiccups and jabs and stretches. I love that I was able to feel movement so early and Peter could feel it from the very beginning too! I love seeing the movement from the outside - little volcano peaks when she pushes an elbow or heel out, seeing a hand or foot move quickly from one side of my belly to the other, jiggles, belly quakes, big butt lumps. It's all so amazing and awesome. I'm really going to miss it.
2) Maternity clothing. All of my clothes are very comfotable. I haven't buttoned a button or zipped a zipper in months! And best of all - I can get away with being more casual at work because it's very easy for me to say "This is all I had that was clean and fit me!".
3) Not cleaning the litter box. Peter is a saint. Not only has he taken over the litter box duty but he's always offering to do the dishes or the laundry or absolutely anything else I just don't feel like doing. I'm a lucky, lucky girl.
4) Baby clothes! We have an entire nursery full of the cutest little clothes you will ever see. We are so richly blessed by friends and family and it is definitely one of the best things about being pregnant.
5) Naps. I get to take them whenever I want... guilt free!
So there you go. I do enjoy being pregnant very much. I'm just at the point where the idea of holding my little girl in my arms is much more appealing than having this belly.
9 months ago
You're so cute! I love that you like being more casual at work and taking naps whenever you want as reason why you like being pregnant. Although, I think you should enjoy the naps, because once pumpkin comes, you'll never get enough sleep! Just one reason I am more than happy to wait to have kids ;-)
Becca S.
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