But this one was not for me. I got to watch this time! Yesterday Peter and I drove to Jersey for a shower for my friend (and former college roomie and bridesmaid) Linz. It was about a 2.5 hour haul but we didn't get lost this time (a first for the 3 times we've been to that general area). We even made it a few minutes early.
Peter hung out with the guys at the lake house while we partied it up at a local (and very elegant) restaurant. I would guess there were 15-20 ladies there and everyone seemed to have a really great time. The food was incredible - I had the crabcakes.
I think Linz had fun and she got some really adorable gifts. I was exhausted once we got home last night but it was a really great day. So excited for you Linz! Best wishes in these last few weeks.

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