April 5, 2009

No Complaints Here

What a great week! It started with a good Dr. appointment on Monday. I passed my gestational diabetes test so no 3 hour test for me. Yay! Weight, blood pressure, baby's heart rate - all good. My blood work did come back slightly anemic so I'm now on iron supplements. No big deal.

I provided for our weekly snack break at work on Tuesday. I didn't really remember that I had signed up until Sunday at the grocery store so I just phoned in some store bought baked goods and salty snacks. I felt so bad considering everyone around the office knows I love to bake but I just didn't feel like putting in the effort to plan and the time to bake. I'll just blame the baby, haha.

Wednesday we received a package from our friends in Pittsburgh who can't make it to our baby shower. It was all so sweet and adorable and awesome. I can't wait to have a baby to put in these clothes! We had our 4th childbirth class and we discussed breastfeeding. As always, a very interesting and insightful evening.

Friday we babysat our friends' 4 month old daughter. It was excellent hands-on experience for us both. I think we did ok! I realized there are so many things you don't think about until it actually happens. Like eating - while we ate dinner we had to make sure she was content and occupied in her little bouncy seat. And when she fell asleep on me - what was I supposed to do when I had to use the bathroom? And she just screamed and screamed when we changed her but I hear that's normal, haha. And that was all with Peter there! I hope I can handle our little girl by myself when the time comes.

Yesterday we slept in and it was glorious. The entire day was just one huge reminder of why I love my husband. First he called Verizon to dispute the bill we received informing us of a 2nd $160 termination fee for cancelling our contract after we had already paid one. It just made sense to us that we were terminating one account so we should only pay one fee.

So after a bit of persuasion on Peter's part, they eliminated the 2nd fee. And what did he do to celebrate our victory? Helped me to clean the house, of course! Then he took me to Panera for lunch. What a man! Then to end the day he handed me tissues and cuddled me as we watched "Marley and Me" (sidenote: dog lover + pregnancy hormones + Marley & Me = one big blubbery mess). I love you, Peter.

Today after teaching Sunday school and going to church we took a nice long walk to take advantage of the gorgeous weather. We even had our living room windows open this afternoon! The cats loved it.

Below you'll see Nutmeg & Kenny enjoying the sun together, our gifts (thanks Josh & Nicole!), my 30 week belly picture and evidence that my belly button is on its way out :)