April 20, 2009

A Baby Shower!

Another busy week. I had a Dr. appointment Tuesday. All is well. Sadly Peter couldn't be there because of work but he'll be at the next one.

We had our first Baby Boot Camp class Wednesday. It was really interesting. We learned lots of little tips and tools. We even practiced swaddling. We're looking forward to this week's class. Then we're finally done with all of our classes (all 9 weeks of them!)

Friday Peter and I had dentist appointments and we both received clean bills of health. I got to skip x-rays too! Another benefit of being pregnant.

My friend Nicole came from Erie to visit for the weekend. Saturday we went to visit another high school friend, Rachel, near Philly. A long trip but we had beautiful weather and it was totally worth it. I don't think I had seen Rachel since my wedding! We, plus Rachel's 3 month old Ian, went out to lunch. Rachel sent me home with some gender neutral clothing. It was a really nice day and we topped it off with gelati and custard from Rita's.

After Sunday school Peter, Nicole and I made our way to my parents' for the baby shower! It was an awesome, chaotic day. It was so great to be surrounded by family and family friends (probably 40+!). We received so many nice things and I think everybody that came gave us at least one piece of clothing. This girl will certainly be well-dressed! I joked she has a bigger wardrobe than I do and Peter said "Yeah, but yours will last longer." True. I just ran up to the nursery (currently a disaster zone, haha) and counted 48 articles of clothing from yesterday's shower. Wow.

We got quite a few of our big must-haves too like a pack-n-play, swing, high chair and crib mattress. Unfortunately, it wouldn't all fit to bring it home but we got most of it. I'm planning to sort through and organize it tonight while Peter is at the cat shelter. I can't wait!

Peter and I feel so incredibly blessed and are constantly amazed at God's goodness and provision. Now all we need is the baby!


Becca S. said...

The clothes you got were really cute! Just remember, baby needs lots of clothes because she'll be spitting up on them alll the time. But that means you might need more clothes because she'll probably be spitting up on you, too ;-) The joys of motherhood....

-Becca S.

PS: I'd rather have the x-rays at the dentist than be pregnant any day, lol.

mom said...

Hi guys,
You really are busy people:) I like the shower pics.... you both truely are blessed and loved!!
I might want some of your pics, I didn't take as many as I wanted to.

Love ya,woracti