April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope you had a lovely Easter. Going back to work after a 3 day weekend was a bit difficult.

We had a busy but fantastic week. Tuesday we had our small group over for a pot luck dinner. It was a really good meal and a nice time. We played Spousology and apparently Peter and I don't know each other at all, haha.

Wednesday we took our last child birth class. We even received a little graduation certificate. I guess I'm now certified to have a baby. Thursday we took a "bear essentials" class. The focus was on hospital pre-registration, car seat safety and shaken baby syndrome. It feels really good to get a head start on the hospital paper work.

Friday I had a day off! I spent a little time at Target just wandering around. I went grocery shopping. I did some laundry and hung out with the cats. A terrific day. I just wish Peter could have had a day off too. Oh well - he gets plenty.

Saturday we slept in and then went out for coffee (hot chocolate for Peter). Peter's dad stopped by with some of Peter's old baby things and a gift from his grandma. My parents spent the night and took us out for Thai.

Sunday we taught Sunday school and then mom and dad met us at church. Afterward we all went to my gram's for Easter dinner. A lot of running around but overall a really good day.

That's the news from here. Peter's at the cat shelter and I'm about to try out a new recipe for dinner. Wish me luck.


mom said...

Hi toots,
We had a nice time with you guys. Thanks for having us over, See you soon:)