December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

It's been an absolutely lovely week. Last Saturday Peter and I spent the morning in our old stomping ground, Camp Hill (I miss that place). We visited an antique shop, grabbed coffee and hot chocolate at Cornerstone Coffee House and then went to Creative Elegance (a boutique my aunt had given us a gift certificate for). We bought scone mix, jam and a few things for the baby (the alligator has a pouch for a little ice pack, the dog is sitting on top of a little blanket trimmed in satin and the elephant rattles!) Later that evening my parents and nieces came for dinner and we all had a great time.

Yesterday we spent the day at my parents'. Half the family stopped by during the day and we saw most of the rest of the family at my Pop-pop's later in the evening so that was really nice. We had great food - ham, mac & cheese, sweet potato casserole, baked pineapple and veggies. Plus tons and tons of sweets. I gave away another 9 dozen cookies (I think that makes 29 dozen total so far and I'm not done!)
So we made out really well, haha. Actually, so did Pumpkin. As you can see, Pumpkin has his/her own section of the overall gift pile. I loved getting baby-related gifts. My favorites were probably the Willow tree figure from my parents and the blanket my great-grandmother made. And of course Peter and I love the Spamlet onesie I gave him.
I hope you had a satisfying and meaningful Christmas as well!