December 5, 2008

I've Been Tagged?!

My friend, Heather, tagged me so here we go:

Here are the rules:

* Go to your sixth picture folder then pick your sixth picture.

* Pray that you remember the details.

* Post it on your blog.

* Tag 5 others, leave a comment to let them know they’ve been tagged.

I could have had a more interesting picture but this is what I came up with. This was a church across the street from out hotel in Athens. The bells would chime on the hour and it was so beautiful and relaxing, especially when we were lying in our bed for our daily afternoon nap. Oh to be back there right now in the 70 degree weather.


Jeff said...

You wish you had something more interesting?
I don't think most people have pictures from Athens on their computer. Actually, I don't think most people (like me) have been to Athens!