Saturday we took a bus trip to NYC for the day. We met up with Ted and Becca (friends from college who we had not seen since their December 06 wedding in Florida) who now live just outside the city.
It was a really great day. No agenda, just aimless wandering. We landed in Times Square, had BBQ for lunch, saw the tree at Rockefeller Plaza, window shopped at Tiffany and Cartier on 5th, took a peek inside Trump Tower, had a sit down at Starbucks, checked out Lush and had a lovely Italian dinner. A fantastic (if tiring) day!
Today we had our 2nd official Dr. appt. Everything went very well. I've yet to gain any weight but the Dr. is not concerned. I now know that my blood type is O+. The Dr. was able to find the baby's heartbeat immediately and said we have a cooperative baby (just what we like to hear). We could hear the baby's movements on the dopler and he/she seemed to be quite active. A great appointment!

Your trip to NYC sounds amazing!
I'm not surprised you hadn't gained any weight yet, the baby's probably the size of a peanut! I think a lot of people think "I'm pregnant, I need to eat a lot" rather than just following how they feel.
Anyway, we had fun, too!
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