I've had a friend-filled week and it was awesome. My high school friend Nicole came in from Erie and spent the night. Here she is in our wedding.
And here she is with the Peanut. And I get to see her again Saturday. A winner is me!

Then yesterday one of my college roomies Stef was on her way from Pittsburgh to Philly so we met for coffee. Here SHE is at our wedding.

And here she is with the Peanut. It is possible that I haven't seen her since her graduation in 07. I'm a bad friend.
After coffee Carina and I headed down to MD to see Linz and Celia. Here Linz is in our wedding. Only a real friend would take a pic like this.
And here she is with the Peanut. See the little theme I have going on here?

I think after college and getting married, you figure out who your real "bosom buddies" are. Who you'd be friends with even if you didn't see them all the time. I'm fortunate to still be friends with Nicole, even 8 years after high school. And fortunate to still see most of my college roomies on a semi-regular basis and call one of them my very best friend (it just happens after living together for 4 years!). A friend-filled week is the best kind of week.
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