Uncharted territory for the three of us but so far - smooth sailing. I can honestly say it has been the scariest thing I have ever done (and that includes childbirth!). I just hated giving Carina something I wasn't sure she could handle. Over the past couple months every once in a while we would try to give Carina a half Puff but she would either throw up or gag. Then I read a blurb in a parenting magazine about how waiting past 9 months to start finger foods can lead to problems learning how to chew so I figured it was about time to start taking things seriously.
So Sunday night we gave her a couple half Puffs. She did ok but I was a ball of nerves. I was literally shaking. What if she chokes? What would I do? And I've looked up CPR for kids but it's just not that comforting. I would just never forgive myself if something happened to her and I was the cause because I gave her finger foods before she was ready. Dramatic much? Yes, Peter keeps me sane. After our first attempt I wussed out and asked Rebecca if she wanted to give Carina some practice. Since Rebecca has already been through this stage with her son and has CPR training (Peter and I are registered for a course next month) I felt comfortable with that. She e-mailed me at work to let me know Carina ate 10 whole Puffs by herself with no problems whatsoever! I was impressed!
So now she is eating Puffs - and feeding herself nonetheless - like a pro. I am so proud of her! Next - yogurt melts.
9 months ago
once you go yogurt melts, she will never want to go back to anything else. Those things are apparently SOOO YUMMY!!! If addi has a whole cup full of LOTS of stuff, puffs..grapes, anything she normally loves, she'll weed thru to get to the yogurt melts and refuse to eat the rest. hope carina likes them too :)
Good job Carina! I was also a nervous wreck for awhile with finger foods. It definitely gets easier but never totally goes away. I still worry about choking and I've also learned CPR (though it might be time for a refresher course). It's especially fun when your toddler decides to try and shove multiple pieces of celery or hot dog in their mouth. :)
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