I know I've done this before on days that I stay home but I thought I'd detail a typical work day for the Jones house.
6 am - The alarm goes off. Peter: "You should get in the shower." Me: "Do you mind if I get in first?" Peter: "That's what I just said." It was a groggy morning, haha. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays start at 5:30 am with a workout DVD in the living room but today I got to "sleep in". After a shower I head downstairs and get my breakfast together and pack Carina's diaper bag.
6:45 am - Carina lets me know she is awake and ready to start her day!
7 am - Peter feeds the cats. I feed the baby.
7:15 am - Peter leaves for work. Carina, although backwards and upside down because she's still eating, manages to wave goodbye. When she's done we pack up the car and head to Rebecca's (or to Cheryl's if it's Friday).
7:45 am - I get to work. Do my work thing. Can you tell I like that kid of mine?
4 pm - Get home within minutes of Peter. Put pumped milk in the fridge, ice packs in the freezer, dishes in the sink and dishwasher. Take a walk!
5 pm - Dinner time. Tuna melts and applesauce for us and peas and carrots for the little lady.
5:30 pm - A few minutes of play time on the new activity table I bought yesterday for a cool $1.89!!! And she loves it.

5:45 pm - Head to Rhyme Time at the library. Sing songs, read a book, play with egg shakers and balls... a good time is had by all.
9 pm - And now it's time to snuggle my hubby, watch Grey's Anatomy and eat some brownie trifle! Feed Carina again at 10 and it's lights out for Mommy and Daddy too.
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