I have pics I want to post but I don't know how much longer Carina will be napping. My parents came to visit this weekend (they missed their Peanut after 10 days in Jamaica... tough life!). Mom, Carina and I went to Nicole's bridal shower Saturday.
Carina and I have been fighting the sniffles this week. No fun at all. We're also trying to tweek Carina's feeding schedule to get her closer to 3 meals instead of snacking all day long. So far, so good!
April 28, 2010
Gotta Make This Quick...
Posted by Amy at 9:42 AM 0 comments
April 22, 2010
Old Friends are the Best Friends
I've had a friend-filled week and it was awesome. My high school friend Nicole came in from Erie and spent the night. Here she is in our wedding.And here she is with the Peanut. And I get to see her again Saturday. A winner is me!

Posted by Amy at 7:57 PM 0 comments
April 17, 2010
Finger Foods!
Uncharted territory for the three of us but so far - smooth sailing. I can honestly say it has been the scariest thing I have ever done (and that includes childbirth!). I just hated giving Carina something I wasn't sure she could handle. Over the past couple months every once in a while we would try to give Carina a half Puff but she would either throw up or gag. Then I read a blurb in a parenting magazine about how waiting past 9 months to start finger foods can lead to problems learning how to chew so I figured it was about time to start taking things seriously.
So Sunday night we gave her a couple half Puffs. She did ok but I was a ball of nerves. I was literally shaking. What if she chokes? What would I do? And I've looked up CPR for kids but it's just not that comforting. I would just never forgive myself if something happened to her and I was the cause because I gave her finger foods before she was ready. Dramatic much? Yes, Peter keeps me sane. After our first attempt I wussed out and asked Rebecca if she wanted to give Carina some practice. Since Rebecca has already been through this stage with her son and has CPR training (Peter and I are registered for a course next month) I felt comfortable with that. She e-mailed me at work to let me know Carina ate 10 whole Puffs by herself with no problems whatsoever! I was impressed!
So now she is eating Puffs - and feeding herself nonetheless - like a pro. I am so proud of her! Next - yogurt melts.
Posted by Amy at 8:11 PM 2 comments
April 12, 2010
Day Tripping
We spent the day in Maryland with the Lancasters this past Saturday! Linz hosted a Lia Sophia party and we FINALLY got down to see their home. They moved in before we moved into our place... we are such bad friends. Anyway - it was a blast. Good food (OMG the chicken salad was to-die-for), good friends, nice sparklies... what more do you need, really? Jason and Linz's Dad were there so Peter came along to hang with them.
Posted by Amy at 7:33 PM 0 comments
April 7, 2010
Aaaaaaaand... We're Crawling!
I really thought Carina would skip crawling the way she's been cruising but maybe she was just perfecting her technique. As Aunt Carol says "We're in trouble now!"
Posted by Amy at 7:42 PM 0 comments
April 6, 2010
Easter Weekend
Sadly our weekend began with a sad, sniffly little girl. She had a little trouble breathing through her congestion so she slept with us Friday night. As much as I love cuddling her tiny little body, it does make sleeping practically impossible. We skipped out on the cookout we were invited to so we wouldn't spread our germs around. My parents arrived in the afternoon and we ordered pizza. Carina was a bit cranky but we had a generally good time. Peter and I went to bed around 8:30, haha.
Sunday was much better. Carina slept pretty well and seemed more herself. Was hardly even stuffy! Peter and my Dad grilled turkey burgers and Mom and I made mac-n-cheese, green beans, deviled eggs and chocolate raspberry cookies. It was amazingly good. After lunch we packed up and headed to my Aunt and Uncle's church about 90 minutes away for an Easter/birthday celebration for my cousin Hunter's 16th birthday.
Carina slept most of the way there and then was such a good sport - smiling and waving and letting everybody snuggle her. We watched an egg hunt, visited with my cousins from Atlanta (Jen, John, Hunter, Kaylie and Jordan) who we hadn't seen in ages, ate some yummy cake and came home. All in all - a terrific Easter.
Carina had a hard time going to sleep Sunday night and last night but that's a story for another time.
Posted by Amy at 7:55 PM 0 comments
April 1, 2010
A Day in the Life
I know I've done this before on days that I stay home but I thought I'd detail a typical work day for the Jones house.
Posted by Amy at 8:32 PM 0 comments