Apparently the search begins younger and younger these days. Carina had one pair of jeans with a stretch waist way back when (probably in 0-3 month size) but we couldn't find another larger pair... till today! She received a pair at Christmas and as adorable as they were, and as well as they fit everywhere else, she just can't wear a pair with snaps because they're too tight around her belly, haha. Oh the hardships of being a chunk. She looks like such a little lady in her big girl pants.
But enough about her jeans. There is other, just as important, news. She tried pineapple for the first time over the weekend - pears with pineapples to be exact. She liked it! Sometime this week we're going to try bananas with strawberries. She is waving really well now. Sometimes she gets shy around other people but she always does it for me and Peter. When her Daddy came home on Monday she gave him the biggest, wiggliest most excited wave EVER and it warmed both our hearts.
Oh and another big first - we put her in the nursery while we taught Sunday school. It wasn't too big a challenge for us because the woman who babysits her on Friday, Cheryl, was working in the nursery so I knew she was in good, familiar hands. The funny thing was when I was ready to leave her there she stretched out her arms to one of the high school youth working there, haha. I'm glad she made some friends. She was way too distracted to eat her breakfast and she didn't fall asleep till right before we picked her up but she did so well and was happy the entire time. Our baby is growing up!
9 months ago
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