I cut Peter's hair all by myself today. What fun! For me anyway - I got a few "Ouch! That hurt!" from my (non-paying) customer. Oops. Aside from the three of us all ending up covered in Peter's hair (who knew shaving hairs ourside on a breezy day would do such a thing?!) it was a raging success.
Not much else going on today. Stayed in bed till 7 (Carina joined us at 6:30). Worked out since someone got up a little too early and I didn't get a chance to yesterday. Made some chocolate chip banana bread. Fed Carina bananas with strawberries - the strawberry was new and went over VERY well. Did some laundry. Tried out a new ground turkey and sweet potato turnover recipe and it was alright. Thinking I may use the filling in a casserole (I made way too much and froze it - hope it keeps well). Picked up a few things at Toys R Us. Took a walk and ran into a couple friends. Now the baby is asleep and I'm ready to start my relaxing evening with a big 'ol bowl of ice cream!
9 months ago
Adele tried strawberries this weekend too! She had hers mixed with bananas in her oatmeal. Yum!
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