is a happy life. I found some time over the weekend to tidy the house a bit. It started with putting away the Christmas decorations. I'm not opposed to leaving them up till the end of January or later (I loved our tree and had it lit up every single chance I got!) but I didn't know when I might have another chance to do it. I was a little stressed about going back to work and it manifested itself in the form of going on an organization spree. Lucky for me I de-stress by cleaning and not by binge eating, drinking or compulsive shopping. It's healthier and less expensive!
Not free though. I bought a couple storage containers to start organizing Carina's clothing she has outgrown plus her baby book, cards she has received and other bits and bobs. I rearranged our closet in our bedroom so we could find a place to store Carina's new car seat. I know I can't complain about storage when we have a walk-in closet but... sometimes I still find it hard to store things nicely. My wedding dress (from nearly 4 years ago) lays in a heap on a shelf in our closet. Never cleaned or preserved, sadly, I think it may now be too late. What are the chances Carina would fit in it or even want to wear it anyway?
I realized the other day that the only two tablecloths we have are both fall colors so I bought a red one for Valentine's Day. We now have some festive window clings on the front door too. Time passes so quickly these days. It seems strange to decorate for Valentine's Day already but I know it will be here before I even realize January has passed. Carina is now seven months old. Holy cow! She is more and more fun each day.
She's starting to get a little more hair. She babbles a good bit. She grabs at EVERYTHING (watch out for earrings!). Her favorite thing currently is to grab my face and pull it toward her (with great force) and suck on my cheek or my chin. She's either trying to eat my face off or give me kisses. She loves my longer hair because she can pull it! Put 3 things in front of her - 2 of them toys and 1 of them something that isn't - and she will always go for the one that she shouldn't. She was surrounded by her toys while I was folding laundry this morning and yet she found a way to grab at all the clothes she could, haha.
She seems to be working on the beginning stages of crawling. She puts her butt up in the air and wiggles her whole body in an effort to propel herself forward. It is so funny to watch. We're always entertained, that's for sure!
9 months ago
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