During my day at home on Wednesday, Carina and I finally checked out her Baby Mozzart video. In my opinion, it was totally lame. I don't know what exactly I expected. It's made for babies so maybe they have different taste? And don't get me wrong - I love kids TV! Sid the Science Kid is my absolute favorite but Maya & Miguel and Fetch! are good too. Back to Baby Mozzart - it was mostly still video images of toys and candles and stuff like this:

Remember those? Maybe it was just me but I remember those things being so incredibly awesome. They always had stuff like that in museum gift shops and maybe pharmacies. Thankfully my mom was smart enough to keep me from buying such useless pieces of junk. I mean seriously - what do you do with it after the novelty has worn off in 2.5 minutes?
Side tangent - those bead looking water toys reminded me of a drink from my middle school years. All I could remember was floating pieces of jello but I googled and found it - Orbitz! Anybody remember THAT?! Again, so cool at the time but now I look back on it and it seems so repulsive. Pieces of goo floating in my drink? No thanks. And keep my orange juice pulp free while you're at it.
As I sit here I'm starting to wonder what kind of mom I'm going to be. Will I be the anti-useless desk toy mom who tells Carina that this thing she thinks she must have right now really isn't all it's cracked up to be and maybe pass on it? Or will I be the pro-Orbitz mom and even though I see that something is just a waste and totally bad idea let her figure that out for herself (be it 10 minutes or 10 years down the road)?
My plan presently is to take a page from my mom's book and be a fantastic blend of both. From where I stand right now I respect my mom for instilling good sense into me and appreciate her for growing my sense of whimsy at the same time. Am I thinking too much about memories that surfaced because of some baby video? Definitely.
Anyway - if you managed to make it through the maze of my past and present mind, good for you! I'll end with some super dooper ooper shmooper big news... Peter got a new job! Another state job with a terrific pay raise. That boy is a star on the rise I tell ya. I am one lucky chick to have a husband like Peter who not only tirelessly provides for our family but selflessly helps around the house and just adores his little girl. He's the best!
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