November 14, 2009

Not Your Ordinary Week

Neither Peter nor I had any idea what day it was at any point this week. Peter was off Monday so Carina stayed home with him. We both worked Tuesday. Peter was off again Wednesday for Veteran's day so Carina had another day with daddy. I usually have Wednesday off but I figured I'd switch my days since Peter was going to be home (as nice as it would have been to have a family day at home in the middle of the week). We figured it would be better to have Carina home instead of with her sitters for an extra day. Thursday we both worked and then yesterday I finally had my day off. So yeah - wacky week.

Yesterday Carina and I had a lunch date with Cheryl and her daughter Mercedes. Cheryl watches Carina on Fridays. It was so nice to actually sit down and have a conversation (usually we only get about 5 minutes to talk when I pick Carina up to take her home). Since Carina is starting to get strange around people she doesn't know, Cheryl and I thought it would be a good idea to spend some time together so Carina wouldn't forget her in the 2 weeks they're apart, haha. Carina has always done really well for both her sitters but she screamed when I tried to leave her with my boss's daughter at staff day last week, the nice old ladies cooing over her at the grocery store made her cry and there's always a good chance she'll cry for my dad too.

She did have a really good visit with Peter's parents last Sunday though. I was a little worried considering she didn't get the nap I thought she needed but she was her sweet little self the whole time. She surprises us daily. Like this week when all of a sudden she decided she was going to start talking. No more just grunting and whining and boy does she have a lot to say! We put her in her high chair for the first time this week and she loves eating at the table with us. Such a big girl!