We just returned from Carina's 4 month check-up and she's currently sleeping it off. Everything went just as smoothly as possible! She is now 22 inches long (too tiny to be on the height chart yet!) and 13 pounds 12 ounces (50th percentile). She has consistently been gaining 2 pounds and 1 inch each month. We are so proud of her!
The Doc said she looks wonderful. He said we could start solids any time but because she's doing so well on breast milk there's no reason not to wait another month or two. He advised us both to get flu shots since Carina is too young to get one herself. She got a few vaccines today but as soon as the nurse was done and I picked her up, she was fine! What a little trooper. If she's happy when she wakes up to eat I don't think we'll even give her any Tylenol. We don't go back to the pedi again till she is 6 months and I hope that appt goes as well as this one.
Peter took the day off for the appt and I'm so glad he did. Even if Carina handled everything like a champ, I like having him around! It's trash day... and crazy windy. Not a good combination. I'm watching the trash and recycling go flying around outside our window. All over our front yard. The beer cans and water bottles out there aren't ours, haha. We're going to try to watch for the recycling truck and just run our recycles out then. That way our trash doesn't end up in the neighbor's yard.
I have to say a special thank you to my Aunt Vicki. Not only for reading the blog regularly, which I appreciate VERY much, but for jumping to assumptions on the "What a Difference a Year Makes" post. No, we are not expecting but thank you for making my day, haha. Hilarious! I love you.
9 months ago
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