Another weekend gone. Another week closer to returning to work. Boo.
We had a busy but fun weekend. Saturday we spent the morning at my parents' house. Carina got to meet David, the 4 month old who lives next door. It's neat to see what we have to look forward to - bigger smiles and neck control.
Saturday afternoon we went to a party for my cousin's graduation from nursing school. Got to show Carina off to some more family who had yet to meet her. She slept pretty much all day. My family doesn't believe that she's ever awake! She was such a good little traveler and party-goer.
Sunday we made it through Sunday school and Carina was fairly content. We came home and did some house work before heading to Cracker Barrel in York to lunch with my college roomies. It was so nice to see everybody but especially nice to finally meet Celia - my roomate's daughter who is only 4 days older than Carina! Celia is only a pound or two bigger but she looks so much older than Carina and really has amazing neck control (can you see I'm obsessed with baby necks these days?).
My mom and two youngest nieces came to spend the night Sunday. It was nice to have them around Monday. Our phone and internet went out Sunday and we couldn't get them back without getting a new cable modem Monday. Then of course I couldn't get it all to work right so we had no phone or internet for 2 days and I was especially grateful to have the company. Gave me a chance to get out to pick up the cable modem, run to Target and get to the grocery store. Plus mom got plenty of time with Carina. She was so awake and sociable all day (I mean Carina but Mom was too, haha).
We're back to sleeping pretty well. She slept from 10 till 7 for a few days over the weekend but this morning she woke at 4:30. At least she goes back to sleep after a change and a snack.
9 months ago
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