Where did January go? Not that I mind. It just makes us one month closer to spring and one month closer to meeting our little Pumpkin.
Last Friday I made pink cupcakes to share at work as a way to spread our news. It must have gone over well because I had to steal one of my own cupcakes in order to take any home!
Sunday we met up with my parents at my Gram's to celebrate Christmas with Dad's side of the family. We had a good meal and a nice visit.
We had a pretty laid back week. I tried a few new recipes; chicken rice wraps and sloppy joes. I know sloppy joes aren't exactly a new concept but I don't think I've ever actually made them on my own. They turned out pretty well!
Yesterday I made cookies for the Superbowl party we are attending today. I opted for Valentine's cookies as opposed to football cookies. Much cuter. I'm going to make up some sausage balls once I get done writing this entry. Last night we went to Texas Roadhouse with our neighbors. Afterward the boys played Guitar Hero while the ladies caught up on chit chat and then we all watched "The Rocker". A very nice evening.
We taught Sunday school this morning then went to church. I got Alexandra plopped in my arms for a few minutes. I can't wait to hold my own in a few months! After church we went with Chris, Michelle and Alexandra to a baby consignment shop that was having awesome sales. We ended up with 9 outfits for just $22. It was so much fun! I think my favorite is the bright orange t-shirt and skirt that say "I love summer".
9 months ago
Hey, don't forget! My grandgirl will be the best dresssed anywhere!!
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