I'm trying not to complain but Peter has today and tomorrow off... and I do not. Not fair. Ok, that's out of my system.
We had a lovely weekend! Friday I got a haircut and then met Peter at Ignite (the monthly event run by my work to stir interest in missions among college students). Peter played the drums as usual and Anita Keagy was the speaker (google her or Joyshop Ministries). We had something like 100 people there so that was pretty amazing. We were home by 9:30 but I was beat.
Saturday we slept in a bit and then after a little lazy time on the couch Peter went to get a haircut and I cleaned the house. I love a clean house. We tried several times to take a family portrait for the Christmas cards with us and both cats but Nutmeg is less than cooperative. She refuses to be picked up or held so unfortunately, she may not appear on the Christmas card. I worry she'll get a complex and feel like the unwanted step-child. But we tried. Later we met my parents and my younger nieces for Red Lobster in Lancaster and it was fantastic.
Sunday we taught Sunday school (and our girls were WILD!) and went to church. After church we went with some friends to Taco Bell and then did our grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. The prices seemed to be better than Giant so I may need to do a little research for the future. We came home and did very little for the rest of the day. I watched some Gilmore Girls and made pancakes for dinner. A lovely weekend.
How am I feeling (for those who asked)? Pretty good! Aside from one bought of morning sickness last week I've just been tired in the evenings. I consider myself very blessed to feel so good. I hope in a couple weeks maybe I can stay awake past 10 again.
Below is my favorite "oops" shot. Kenny was getting a little bored with the photo shoot. And is it me or does Nutmeg look a little smug?
9 months ago
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