Wow - November already. I'm loving it! Despite the windy and chilly weather. As long as I get some sunshine, I'm happy.
We finally had our storm door delivered and installed last week. We've been waiting a few weeks. It looks wonderful! I'll need to take some pictures and post them here. The cats are warming up to it. It's a little loud when it closes so Kenny is scared of it.
We had a nice weekend. Friday we had a Halloween party of sorts with our small group friends. We watched "Midnight Meat Train" (horrible movie, haha) and ate a meat buffet. The spread was incredible. Way to go Joy and Jeremy! I started to fall asleep during "Leatherheads" so we headed home.
Saturday we took Nutmeg to the vet for a check-up and to have her nails clipped and get some meds for her sneezing (it's a seriously disgusting problem). She was wild though and Peter had to end up shoving her into her carrier. She scraped her little nose and then smeared blood all over the inside of her carrier. Not fun. She was fine once we got to the vet. She was SO happy once we got home. We got antibiotics for the sneezing and so far have been able to sneak it into her food, thank heavens.
So after that excitement, we went grocery shopping and then replaced the batteries in all 5 smoke detectors. It's a convenient time with the clock change and all. We went to see "Mamma Mia" at Messiah Saturday afternoon. What a seriously girly movie! I felt a little bad for making Peter sit through it so we picked up Chinese on our way home and watched "Shaun of the Dead" to balance it all out. I mean - it was a good movie - just not Peter's (or any man's) style.
I had a bad headache yesterday so Peter tackled Sunday school all by himself. I love him for it. I layed on the couch all day and then we went to Friendly's for dinner with some friends. All in all, a wonderful weekend.
Below is the cake I made for our Halloween party Friday. Devil's food cake (haha, get it?) and homemade cream cheese frosting. The stem is actually a silicone cupcake baking cup (thanks Mom!). It was tasty. And the other picture is what happens when Peter lays on the stairs when I'm trying to get by with my camera in hand. Isn't he adorable?
Have a great week!

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