Well it has been quite the weekend, and it's not even over yet! Friday night we met our newlywed small group friends from church at Chick-Fil-A. We've been hanging with this crazy group for about a year now and they've become our closest friends. After dinner we went to the Coliseum (a big arcade-type place) and pretended to be 5 years old again. Then to top off the evening we went back to Chris & Michelle's house for cake and icecream. Chris and Jeremy have upcoming birthdays this week. We had a ton of fun (even if it meant only getting 4 hours of sleep before our Saturday paper route... ouch).
Saturday after our paper route we slept till about 12:30! Boy was that nice. Unfortunately every Saturday we spend from 2-3 pm back at the paper distribution center arranging what we can of the Sunday papers. It does make our Sunday mornings a little more manageable though. After that we headed to Messiah, grabbed a snack at the Student Union and then made our way to Boyer Hall to see "No Country For Old Men". Wow. Fantastic (albeit, not exactly a feel good) movie. Amy tried to count all the murders but lost track around 20. Javier Bardem certainly earned that Oscar.
So after all that psychopathic killing we went to Carrabba's for dinner. It was our first time (and we actually went to use the gift certificates Mike & Missy gave Peter about 4 years ago) and we both enjoyed it very much. Our chocolate cake dessert was AMAZING. We barely made it home before falling asleep.
Today we ran the Sunday paper and went back to bed till 10. Amy cleaned the house and Peter did laundry and dishes (exciting, right?). Amy's fighting a sore throat and hoping is doesn't turn into something worse. Lots of tea and honey - and probably a fruit smoothie for dinner with icecream for dessert. Yum! We went grocery shopping and paid some bills (we really were the life of the party today). Later we'll finish watching the SNL we taped last night with Ellen Page and Wilco (and Vincent D'Onofrio, Hilary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani, consequently).
We both have tomorrow off (in an attempt to spend a long, relaxing weekend together to celebrate our anniversary a little early). After this post, it's time to relax. For reals.

I was trying to figure who wrote the post and came the conclusion that it was Kenny. (or some one writing the in the third person.. I guess.)
The Chik-Fil-A tag. Most delicious tag ever?
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