Heard a question on the radio - when it's not daylight savings time, what is being spent? Didn't hear the answer but the question was still funny.
There's really not much going on. Last Thursday Amy's parents came to visit and we went out to dinner at Friendly's. Friday night Peter played at Ignite with a group from Amy's work. Ignite is an event that happens monthly and it draws in mostly college students from Messiah College. The purpose is to promote short and long term missions and raise interest and participation. Peter plays the drums for praise and worship! The drum kit is still in Amy's car though. Maybe we'll bring it back inside tonight.
Yesterday we ran the paper route in the rain. Boo. We did a little grocery shopping and in the evening went to the Sandwich Man with Tim, Jessamine and Geoff. Fun times!
Today we did the paper route in the cold and wind (boo again). We taught our Sunday school class and the girls were a little more high strung than normal. Still, we managed to have some fun. We came home and slept for another 4 hours, haha. We definitely caught up on that lost hour. We made veggies and Mama Jones' mac-n-cheese. Yum.
Now we're on our way out to the Woods' for our small group meeting. Oh yeah - Amy made chocolate chip cookies this week! A new recipe that worked out really well.

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