March 31, 2008

Good Friends, Good Fun

What a weekend! Friday night we tried to see Juno at Messiah but it was sold out. We decided to drive to AMC and take our chances. We really wanted to see Run Fatboy Run but it wasn't there and Horton Hears a Who had just started so we saw Vantage Point. It was actually really good! It was worth the money to see all that action on the big screen. It just won't be the same at home on a TV (but still worth seeing!).

Saturday we went to open house at the shelter to talk to someone about Trudy, the pup we're interested in adopting. We had left a note at the shelter on Monday and sent an e-mail to the shelter on Wednesday but heard nothing back so we figured it was time to talk to someone in person. Unfortunately, when we got there someone else had just put an adoption application on her. Amy let them know how frustrated she was but they were just volunteers. It really wasn't their fault. We filled out an application anyway but we're not feeling too good about it. As long as she gets a good home, that's all that really matters.

Saturday afternoon we went to Isaac's with two of Amy's college roommates, Christine and Stef, along with Christine's boyfriend Ryan. We had a really nice time catching up. After dinner we went to game night with our small group friends. That was tons of fun too. Then we came home and crashed.

Sunday after the paper route we taught Sunday school, then came home and slept till 4 pm! Apparently we were worn out. Amy made a new burger recipe for dinner and it turned out pretty well. We had (cinnamon) brownie sundaes for desert.

So that's that. We officially have 51 more days of doing the paper route. Can we make it?


Anonymous said...

WAH!!! I want my grandawg!!!I agree, I hope she gets a good home, but I was kinda looking forward to her.

Miss LOis spent Fri at the vet's. Her blood sugar just won't calm down. We are all confused.

We went to church, then out to lunch with some and then back dinner with about all of them.

Not much else - you weren't expecting excitement from Walworth, were you???

Love, Mum