Nicknames: Sugar Booger, Sweetie Pie, Sweet Pea, Hunny Bunny, Little Nubbin, Bean, Cutie
Length: about 24 inches
Weight: 16 pounds 7 ounces
Hair: Blonde (and more of it each day)
Eyes: Blue/Grey
Likes: Peek-a-Boo, sneezing, blowing kisses and raspberries, green beans, sucking her first 2 fingers (backwards), tags, the remote, the phone, bath time, her buddy AJ and cuddles
Dislikes: Anything coming near her nose, putting on her jacket, getting stuck in traffic, overexcited strangers, having the hiccups, getting shots, being ignored and sun in her eyes
Accomplishments: Babbles (Dada, Baba, Gaga... and rarely Ma), rotates while on belly (like a compass), stands very well with help, drops toys for fun and looks for them, very rarely topples when sitting on her own
What's Next: Teeth, crawling, more babbling and "walking" with help
9 months ago
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