All the bragging about what an amazing sleeper we have... is now kicking us in the butt. I know when I don't sleep well I tent to exaggerate and lose perspective but it feels like I haven't had a good night's sleep in FOREVER. I tried to figure out when she stopped sleeping through the night and in reality it probably started shortly after Christmas. I can't figure it out! She now wakes about every 2 hours through the night now. Not fun.
She eats well throughout the day so although she does nurse once or twice overnight (if a cuddle isn't enough to put her back to sleep) I don't think that's the main culprit. I change her diaper if she's wet and won't go back to sleep so we bought overnight diapers. Didn't work last night (she was up at least 4 times - one of them from 3-4:30) but we'll keep on trying. I've been running the sound machine ("rain") and I've been putting her down for the night in her crib at 7 pm. Nothing works.
I think when she was younger she could put herself back to sleep but now that she's old enough to understand the whole "object permanence" stuff she knows we're not there and she doesn't like it. That and she moves and rolls around so much it's no wonder she wakes herself up.
I get so frustrated overnight (I want my sleep!) but in the morning everything seems ok again. On days when I don't work I try to catch a nap with Carina at some point. She's been such a happy girl all day (despite the little tummy bug she seems to have) that I can't stay mad. She likes to have me around and I love to spend time with her. Who can argue with that? It's just a whole lot more enjoyable during daylight hours.
And after a little bit of a struggle, she's finally down for a nap now...
9 months ago
We were really struggling with Adele for a while and finally we let her cry it out one night.
We only had to do that once and now she's only getting up one or two times a night (although sometimes we hear her playing in her crib - but at least she's not crying!).
By the way...letting her cry it out was hard. Really hard. But, now I can honestly say that it was worth it. She seems to have forgiven us, and I'm not getting up 6-8 times a night with her any more.
I have to admit - we did the Ferber method with Nathan around 5 months, and it was the best thing we ever did. You should read the Ferber book if you are interested. Since Nathan was already pretty good at going to sleep on his own, it only took him two nights to get it down! Let me know if you have questions or want to chat about it. It certainly was very hard, but it is such a good thing...
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