September 23, 2009

Wednesdays = My Favorite

I love, love, love having Wednesdays off with my little girl. She's napping right now.

We had a busy weekend. Made a family grocery shopping trip on Friday. Ran into a former co-worker and got to show Carina off. Always fun.

Saturday we walked in the "Walk for Life" to benefit our local pregnancy center. The weather was great, we walked 2 miles and Carina slept. Got a free t-shirt, water bottle and Chick-Fil-A sandwich coupons! Peter & I raised $175 and I felt pretty good about that.

Later in the day we went to Petsmart and then to Chick-Fil-A for lunch. A carwash was being held to benefit the pregnancy center. It was free but for every car washed an apartment complex was donating $5. Peter took his car. I cleaned the house a bit. Made brownies. That was pretty much our Saturday. Oh - and we watched "Wolverine" too. A great movie that lead to an interesting dream about Will.I.Am.

Sunday we all went to Sunday school, church, lunch and a Sunday school meeting. I can't believe Carina lasted 5 straight hours at church. It's not exactly fun for her. She managed to get in a nap and a couple good feedings. She was a little cranky for the rest of the day though and I think maybe she didn't eat as much as normal at church just because it was different. Who knows.

Last night Peter watched Carina while I got my hair cut. I came home, fed her, then met up with 3 of my 4 college roommates at Messiah to play in the creek a bit. It was a very nice girls' night out. Carina slept all evening while I was gone - lucky for Daddy.

Carina is constantly learning new things and it never ceases to amaze us. The sweetest thing today was when I sat Carina on my lap in front of Sesasme Street for a moment while I opened the mail and she was laughing out loud at Elmo and Grover. It was absolutely, heart-meltingly adorable. I told Peter and he said she has good taste (the love of Grover is an inherited trait from her father).


Mom said...

a very sweet blog, I must say... I want to hear her laugh out loud. Tell her to be practicing for seeing us on Sunday. We love you guys very much:)