Carina has a river of life flowing out of her, haha. Her drooling has reached new levels and we are well aware this is only the beginning. The child isn't even teething yet! So for now we find it amusing, cute (she's a little bubble blower) and just a tad bit gross.
We had a very laid back day today. Other than an early morning trip to Babies R Us (horray for long-sleeved onesies!) we've spent this dreary Saturday indoors and half asleep. Carina and I napped together this afternoon and then watched "Elf" this evening. Made puppy chow for Heather's party tomorrow. Posted some pics to Facebook. All in a days work.
We saw pictures today from friends of ours who have a 3 year old daughter. We say what we always say "We're going to have a 3 year old one day!". It really, truly boggles my mind. I can't believe that just today we bought Carina clothing stamped "6 months" (with room to grow, of course). But she is growing... and incredibly quickly in my opinion. I miss the newborn who was less than half her current size when we brought her home. I miss the baby who was all too happy to just cuddle on mommy's chest.
But more than that I look forward so much to all that she will learn and all that she will become. Today we read 3 or 4 books together. She gave me her full attention and she loved looking at the pictures. She listens to us intently and babbles back. She is just so aware and takes everything in with such joy. It's so hard to believe that one day she'll be walking and talking and singing and dancing. We are just so in awe of her every single day.
I packed up an entire box of clothes that no longer fit. I'm guessing she's pushing 14 pounds now. We try to fit in tummy time each day and she's really lifting her head up more and more easily. I'll post some pics below along with pics of her boyfriend AJ and some (appropriate) tubby time pics too. There's one of the back of her head too - just to prove she has some hair!
9 months ago
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