In my short time as a mom, nothing has been as all-consuming as the past 4 days I've spent potty training Carina. Nothing! I've only left the house twice. It seems to be the only thing I can think about because when your child is capable of peeing on your carpet at any second, you tend to pay attention. So presently our days are filled with much PBS, reading, coloring, stickers and tattoos.
I'm not going to get into specifics because really, who needs to know about the dirty details? I will say I think she's catching on. She is very smart but very stubborn (as both her parents tended to be during potty training). She has outstanding bladder control which is both a blessing and a curse (Fewer accidents - yay! Refusing to even sit on the potty - boo!) But we've been diaper free since Tuesday and I have no intention of going back!
Update: I wrote this post on Friday but then was unable to publish it. In the past 2 days Carina has finally decided that she doesn't need to cry every time she sits on the potty and she even let me know this morning that she needed to go to the bathroom and then she pooped on the potty! Exciting stuff!
9 months ago
Go Amy! You can do it!!!! And GO CARINA!!!
Yay for potty training! Great job Carina and mommy! I've heard from some friends that the best way to potty train is to lock yourself in the house for a week, lol. Not so much fun but it really is all consuming. :-)
Love to you all!
-PS: love that she's already into tattoos ;-)
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