I know this is a marathon blog posting day so thanks for sticking with me. I've had a couple reasons to post this week but not enough time, haha. Anyway I've recently become part of a women's small group and we began a Bible study titled "He Speaks to Me". One of the lessons this week was on becoming aware of when and how we encounter God's glory. Not everybody sees a burning bush! So I thought about it and used a burden of mine as a starting point - finances. It's what I worry about, pray about, try so hard to trust in God about.
I came to the conclusion that I can and should see God's glory in the clearance section. It may seem too mundane but if you can't see God in the day-to-day, when can you? I try very hard not to buy anything (other than groceries and true needs) unless they are on sale, or even better on clearance. We've had the same welcome mat for nearly 3 years and it became so worn that even my Mom told me it needed to be replaced, haha. I just waited and waited and finally this week I found one on clearance for $6! Sorry guys for the next one (if any men even read this!) but I've also been looking for particular bras and knew that Target was way cheaper than anywhere else after shopping around. I finally bit the bullet because it was getting pretty desperate and I knew this price was as good as it was going to get. Low and behold they were on clearance - $7! Carina needed saldals for the summer and after searching all over and comparing prices (about $15 everywhere else) I resigned myself to Target because I knew their shose were great quality and the price would most likely be the same. They were only $10 - a lovely surprise! And Carina won't take them off!
So this may or may not seem silly to you but When I find great deals I see God's provision. When my parent spend the night and buy us Chinese for lunch and DQ blizzards for dessert I see God's blessing. When my Dad and I find a totally awesome deal on coffee (I have to share this one -8 12 oz bags of gourmet coffee, 8 mini bricks of coffee, a grinder and 2 mugs for $40! Over 70% off!) I see a chance to save money and bond with Dad at the same time. When I find a beautiful yellow dress for Carina on clearance for $2.50 and have a $1 off coupon to use with it I see a blessing for all the time's I've saved money buying consignment and an opportunity to be frugal while still buying Carina something brand new (and adorable!).
God is providing for us in amazing ways. I just need to open my eyes to see His glory... in the clearance section.
9 months ago
I love all of your blogs, but this was especially good. I think you have a gift as a writer. You go girl!!! I'm glad you enjoy having us around because we love spending time with you guys.
Awww, love it! Glad you guys are finding deals. Yesterday I was SO stoked because I only had to pay 38 cents for tea at Panera with my rewards card! I had to go for a meeting with someone and it was awesome that I could just scrape some change together and have a cup of tea!
I agree, that was a beautiful post, both in meaning and in the way it was written. I think when we are actively seeking God, we will find Him, and when we are seeking to see His glory and blessings, we will find them. I think it's an attitude thing and you've got the 'tude! ;-) Thanks for the post.
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