Dear Carina,
What a JOY you are to us! From the moment we met you (and even before) we fell completely in love with you. You are such a happy and content little girl. You study everyone and everything around you so intently. We call you our little perfectionist because while you may reach milestones later than others, when you do achieve them (like crawling) you do it perfectly – as if you’ve been practicing over and over in your head.
You can be shy around new faces but once you warm up to someone you are the sweetest. Your smiles light up an entire room and your giggles and belly laughs melt our hearts. You kiss your stuffed animals and share your toys with friends and with us. We hope that your kindness and generosity continue to grow as you mature into the beautiful young lady we know you will become.
We pray that you will always be filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We pray too that you would be quick to show grace and mercy to others. We promise to do our best to teach you these fruits of the spirit by our example and when we stumble we hope you will learn forgiveness as well.
Carina your name is also the name of a constellation – a picture in the sky made of stars – of the keel of a ship. The keel is the first part of the ship to be built – the foundation or spine providing the major source of structural strength. You as our sweet and beautiful firstborn have served as the foundation of our family – providing balance and strength simply by your existence. Our prayer is that Christ would always serve as YOUR foundation and strength. Build your life on Him and His word. Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)
Carina you are the desire of our hearts and we love you so very, very much – now and always.
Mommy and Daddy
9 months ago
Amy and Peter, this is such a sweet note. I'm sure Carina will treasure it.
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