Tree? Up and decorated. Cards? Sent. Cookies? Baked. Gifts? Bought. C'mon Christmas. Let's dance.
Last week Carina had her 6 month check-up. My Mom spent the night and came with me. Carina now officially weighs 15 pounds, 6 ounces and is 22.75 inches long. 50th percentile for weight but still below the chart for height. Our petite chubster. She got her usual 3 vaccines plus 2 flu shots. She took it really well but was fairly cranky for the rest of the day. The Dr. advised against giving her Tylenol because it could make the vaccines less effective but after 7 or so hours with a cranky baby... we figured we'd take our chances with the Tylenol.
She has been a little on edge ever since. Mostly happy but just a bit crankier than usual. Our best guesses include a) she's still sore and off her game from her vaccines, b) she's teething and/or c) she's hit a growth spurt. The past 3 nights she hasn't slept through the night. She cries in her sleep 2 or 3 times and then around 4 wakes up. I feed her and she goes back down really easily but for parents who haven't been awake in the middle of the night in the past 5 months - this is tough!
Banking on the "it's a growth spurt" theory, we've started adding cereal to her morning routine and fruits and veggies to her evenings. She eats apple and yogurt flavored cereal and she likes it alright. She has tried sweet potatoes, green beans, squash and peaches. Green beans appear to be her favorite and she makes funny faces for the peaches. She is such a good little eater (aside from sticking her fingers in her messy mouth every chance she gets). It's so much fun to watch her enjoy these new foods!
One of Carina's sitters, Rebecca, recommended trying to get Carina on a nap schedule just in case she's sleeping too much during the day and it's preventing her from sleeping well at night. It's worth a try I suppose! That's the plan over my 12 days of Christmas vacation.
Ok, my dear hubby is looking lonely on the love seat so I'm going to go join him...
9 months ago
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