Peter got a call from our realtor on Friday. Apparently our sellers are now able to close in May so we're taking them up on the offer! We are now closing on May 20th (about 3 weeks earlier than expected). We leave for Europe on May 22nd and return on the 31st. THEN we get to clean and paint our new house. Yay!
We're pretty excited about this turn of events. It means we pay less pre-paid interest since we are now making settlement closer to the end of the month than we would have in June. Plus we can now take 2 weeks to clean, paint, have the carpets steamed and move some smaller things in and still move a week earlier than we originally planned. Awesome.
Now if only we could find a dog...
9 months ago
Pound puppy?
That's exciting! We settled on our house a few days before we moved and my mom and stepdad came in to paint for us since we left to go out of town the day after settlement. It's awesome having the extra time :-)! Oh, and the 31st is our 5th anniversary...random fact of the day! Have a great weekend!
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