Carina is just weeks away from turning 2. What?! The latest? She is a full blown talker. She can repeat nearly anything we say but sometimes is too stubborn to do so. She is highly opinionated and always wants her own way, haha. I guess that comes with the territory at this age. She is speaking in sentences and very clearly. She just moved up to the older nursery room and I think she loves it. She brought home coloring pages and told me they sat on the carpet and sang songs.
She recognizes all her letters, knows all her colors and counts to 10. She knows all the characters on her favorite TV shows (which probably means I'm letting her watch too much! But it's all PBS). She is a very picky eater but loves her sweets, just like Mommy and Daddy. Bananas, carrots and pizza are a few of her faves. Peeps were her favorite Easter treat. She loves reading, climbing and blowing bubbles. She also loves coloring and play-doh.
She is still shy at times but has story time friends and nursery friends. She's always the one to have toys taken from her but she never fights or gets upset. I have to say I'm glad she's not the kid who takes the toys, haha. She prefers older kids to younger kids and doesn't mind playing rough and tumble with her 3.5 year old friend Andrew. She loves to play outside. Sleep has been tricky at times. She had been putting herself to sleep every night at 8 but lately she has been a little reluctant to go in her crib. This week she asked for her new blankie (part of her big girl room decor once we convert the guest room) and it was the only way to get her to stay in bed. She has been waking around 6 am (earlier than before) but this week she has been falling asleep again either in our bed or back in her crib. Naps range from 45 minutes - 3 hours. We never know what to expect but mostly she's a happy kid.
She's still a tiny girl. Probably about 21 pounds and 29 inches. Her hair is pretty thin but very curly. Inspired by her friend's pigtails this week I tried a teeny tiny ponytail. The results? Adorable. We're pretty smitten with this kid.
9 months ago
Excellent blog! My daughter the writer:-)
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