Well, moving day has come and gone and we are now living in our new house! Yesterday could not have gone more smoothly. We had 5 friends plus Amy's Mom, Dad and Pop-pop here to help us. Peter picked up the truck around 9 am and by 11 am we were completely moved in to the new house!
We're obviously still unpacking but it is starting to feel like home. Amy made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, carrots and brownies - and LOVES the new kitchen. Peter loves the cooking so it's a win-win.
Kenny is settling in too. He has been very vocal but as we type he's just chilling on the living room floor. Can't wait to get everything put away!
9 months ago
Looks great, guys. I am so glad you had friends and family there to help - thank you to those who did.
Kenny looks happy in those pixs. So do you!!
Many happy years in the new Casa de Jones!
Love, Mum J
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